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071025_terascan_005 * 2576 x 1952 * (950KB)

071025_terascan_007 * 2576 x 1952 * (1.29MB)

071025_terascan_008 * 2576 x 1952 * (1.14MB)

071025_terascan_009 * 2576 x 1952 * (961KB)

071025_terascan_010 * 2576 x 1952 * (868KB)

Next slide
071025_terascan_011.JPG - 1952 x 2576 - (904KB)
5/2/05 10:20 PM
071025_terascan_012 * 2576 x 1952 * (983KB)

071025_terascan_013 * 2576 x 1952 * (862KB)

071025_terascan_014 * 1952 x 2576 * (852KB)

071025_terascan_015 * 2576 x 1952 * (975KB)

071025_terascan_016 * 1952 x 2576 * (958KB)

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